Thursday, April 07, 2011

Public Opinion

Greater public
participation is needed
in the formulation of an
anti-corruption bill.
Agree 97%
Disagree 2%
Can't say 1%

Should there be a fresh
probe into circumstances
surrounding the cash-
for-vote sting operation?
Yes 72%
No 26%
Can't say 2%

Do you believe the
allegation of bribery
made in the latest
WikiLeaks revelation?
Yes 83%
No 14%
Can't Say 2%

WikiLeaks: Are the
revelations destroying
politicians' reputation?
Yes 76%
No 24%

Is the selection
system to blame for
more and more pilots
submitting forged
certificates to procure
flying licences?
Yes 82%
No 16%
Can't say 2%

Does India run the risk
of a Japan-like crisis to
its nuclear reactors?
Yes 66%
No 34%

Do you think Indian
nuclear plants can
survive Japan-type
Yes 15%
No 79%
Can't say 6%

Does India run the risk
of a Japan-like crisis to
its nuclear reactors?
Yes 66%
No 34%

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Please say something in support of AntiCorruption activities.
This will make you strong enough to stay away from Corrupt Activities.