Thursday, April 07, 2011

Public Opinion

Greater public
participation is needed
in the formulation of an
anti-corruption bill.
Agree 97%
Disagree 2%
Can't say 1%

Should there be a fresh
probe into circumstances
surrounding the cash-
for-vote sting operation?
Yes 72%
No 26%
Can't say 2%

Do you believe the
allegation of bribery
made in the latest
WikiLeaks revelation?
Yes 83%
No 14%
Can't Say 2%

WikiLeaks: Are the
revelations destroying
politicians' reputation?
Yes 76%
No 24%

Is the selection
system to blame for
more and more pilots
submitting forged
certificates to procure
flying licences?
Yes 82%
No 16%
Can't say 2%

Does India run the risk
of a Japan-like crisis to
its nuclear reactors?
Yes 66%
No 34%

Do you think Indian
nuclear plants can
survive Japan-type
Yes 15%
No 79%
Can't say 6%

Does India run the risk
of a Japan-like crisis to
its nuclear reactors?
Yes 66%
No 34%
When you have hurt
someone you care
about admit where
you're wrong and
say "sorry", no matter
 how foolish you may feel.
There is great humility in
love and friendship.
It's better than losing
someone you love.
Better to be a fool with a friend than proud and lonely.

Deepest Lake In The World

Deepest Lake In The
World ?
Lake Baikal (Baikal) in
Siberia, Russia is the
deepest lake in the world measuring 1620m deep at its deepest point. This makes it not only deep but also the oldest lake in the world estimated to be around 25 million years old. At over 636 kilometers long and 80 kilometers wide this fresh water lake holds over 20 percent of all the fresh
water in the world and is second in size only to the Caspian Sea (the caspian is called a sea but is technically a lake).
To put things into
perspective the lake is so big that if all therivers in the world flowed into its basin it would take almost
1 year to fill. We all know Siberia isn’t the warmest of places so you can imagine what a
phenomenal site it is
when in the winter
months the lake freezes over holding ice up to 115 meters thick. Now that’s a lot of ice!